PSA Testing
At the initial stages of planning the very successful PSA testing at Provincial Grand Lodge in May the thought uppermost in everyone’s mind was that “If it saved one brothers life it would be worth every penny”.
As already announced over 200 tests were carried out on the day and, whilst all of the tests were totally confidential, of those carried out circa 90% received a green light.
The remaining tests received either an amber or red light requesting those brethren concerned to see their own doctors.
Recently an email was received by the Provincial Secretariat from a brother who did receive such a result. With the permission of the brother concerned the email is reproduced below:-
“I would just like it to be known how grateful I am for the opportunity to take the PSA blood test at the May Provincial Grand Lodge meeting in Southport.
Having had no symptoms whatsoever my test result proved positive and following several further tests and a biopsy I have been diagnosed with low risk localised Prostate Cancer.
At the moment I do not need treatment but will be kept under observation with frequent further PSA tests, scans and biopsies
I would like to thank all of the Provincial team for having the foresight to offer the PSA testing, without which my situation could have developed to a more serious degree before being discovered.
Keep up the good work."
One result which justifies the initial statement “worth every penny” and should make all brethren proud to be Mark Masons in the Province of West Lancashire,
V.W.Bro Michael J Clarke P.G.J.O.